This distinctive adventive ladybird is from Australia and was first released into New Zealand in 1896. It is found in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Coromandel, Waikato and Whanganui in the North Island. It is found...
This adventive ladybird of variable appearance was first found in 2016 in Auckland. Its native range is Central and Eastern Asia, but it was deliberately released into USA, Europe, South America and Middle East and has s...
This adventive plant eating ladybird is from South East Asia. It has spread to Australia and South America. In January 2010, I found a hadda beetle in an Auckland Park overlooking the port. A specimen had been collected ...
This cosmopolitan adventive aphid was first found in Auckland in December 2013. It has since spread to its primary host plants, willow trees (Salix species (Salicaceae)), in other parts of the country. Its feeding produc...
This endemic psyllid lives in the North and South Islands of New Zealand. It lives on its host plants, Pittosporum species, in city gardens and parks as well as native ecosystems. It has been accidentally transferred to ...
This distinctive adventive ladybird is from Australia and was first found in Auckland in 1961. There are two subspecies, Apolinus lividigaster wallacii (Crotch) and Apolinus lividigaster lividigaster (Mulsant). Only the ...
This adventive psyllid comes from Central and North America where it breeds primarily on potatoes, tomatoes and other plants in the potato family, Solanaceace. It also breeds on kumara, which is in the bindweed family, C...
The adventive Long-tailed mealybug has been in New Zealand for over 100 years. It lives on a wide variety of cultivated, naturalised and native plants. It is a pest on outdoor plants and those grown in greenhouses. Conse...